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Given parameters x, n, m, and a, returns the power series sum a1x^n^ + a2x^(n+m)^ + ... + aix^(n+(i-1)m)^, where i is the number of entries in range `a`.

Sample Usage​




SERIESSUM(x, n, m, a)

  • x - The input to the power series. Varies depending on the type of approximation, may be angle, exponent, or some other value.
  • n - The initial power to which to raise x in the power series.
  • m - The additive increment by which to increase x.
  • a - The array or range containing the coefficients of the power series.


  • Power series may be used to approximate various constants and functions, including e (Euler's number), logarithms, integrals, trigonometric functions, etc. However, this function is usually used for custom user-defined models.

See Also​

SUMSQ: Returns the sum of the squares of a series of numbers and/or cells.

SUMIF: Returns a conditional sum across a range.

SUM: Returns the sum of a series of numbers and/or cells.

QUOTIENT: Returns one number divided by another, without the remainder.

PRODUCT: Returns the result of multiplying a series of numbers together.

MULTIPLY: Returns the product of two numbers. Equivalent to the `*` operator.

MINUS: Returns the difference of two numbers. Equivalent to the `-` operator.

DIVIDE: Returns one number divided by another. Equivalent to the `/` operator.

ADD: Returns the sum of two numbers. Equivalent to the `+` operator.
